Sunday 4 October 2015

AI responds to DCC requests for extra information - and another consultation begins

Aggregate Industries has now responded to DCC’s list of 82 points requiring further information - 61 for Straitgate and 21 for Blackhill; these Regulation 22 responses can be found towards the bottom of the respective planning application pages [DCC/3774/2015] for Straitgate and [DCC/3775/2015] for Blackhill.

There’s another mass of documents, another 21 days to respond, and another collection of errors, omissions and inaccuracies. Does anyone at SLR or AI actually check what’s being written, or is there serious intent to mislead?

If anybody had checked, they might have realised that AI's claim that 25,912,000 tonnes of CO2e would be emitted over the lifetime of its Straitgate to Blackhill haulage operation - an amazing "21.72 t CO2e per miles" [sic8.34 - was more than 100x AI’s total UK process emissions of 254,495 tCO2e in 2013.

It’s more than a simple typo, and plainly whoever wrote it didn't understand what they were talking about, because AI goes on to make the claim that "The CO2 saving of processing at Blackhill over Hillhead is, therefore, 47,241,000 tonnes of CO2e." 8.35 and that therefore:
Processing at Hillhead may be feasible, but would generate a massively greater quantity of CO2 emissions from the additional mileage required to be travelled... the benefit of CO2 savings from processing at Blackhill rather than Hillhead outweigh any potential harm from HGVs continuing to use roads which pass through the European Protected Sites in the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths. 8.48
If anybody had checked the facts, they might have realised that the statement "The proposed section of permissive path along Birdcage Lane in the north east of the site has been amended following discussion with the landowner" 2.104 was a complete fabrication; the landowner hasn't ever been approached on the matter.

If anybody had checked, they might have realised that in the statement "In visual terms, the slight contrast in colour between exposed mineral and undisturbed green pasture land can result in adverse effects..." 4.3 EMMP the word slight was frankly ridiculous.

Nothing in AI’s planning applications can necessarily be relied upon or taken at face value.

If anyone has any comments on these new documents, they can be sent either by email to or to Devon County Council, Development Management, Room AB2, Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD. Respondents should give their name and address, and quote the planning application reference.