Monday 27 August 2018

Responding to public feedback on quarry plans: compare and contrast

Aggregate Industries has now had a couple of rounds of public exhibitions and consultations regarding its plans for a quarry at Straitgate Farm.

How much difference has feedback from the public made to AI's plans? Zilch. AI's ears were closed; they were just tick-box exercises. Section 7 of the Supporting Statement gives you the company's view.

Elsewhere, members of the minerals industry have been talking amongst themselves. On the subject of Community involvement:
The conference concluded with Dr Hazel Gibson from the University of Plymouth who explained her research into understanding public perceptions of controversial geosciences.
She warned that early community involvement was key to avoiding the potential for the debate to become negative and confrontational very quickly.
Is Hills Quarry Products' document below an example of what Dr Gibson meant, when she spoke about early community involvement?

Consider "You spoke, we listened...", regarding a quarry proposal in Oxfordshire, in comparison with AI's efforts at Straitgate Farm and the lack of any meaningful modifications following public consultation. Go to the last page of the document to see "What changed as a result of pre-planning consultation?" If it's all true, then it puts AI to shame.