Thursday 16 October 2014


Archaeological work at Straitgate Farm is ongoing. Further investigation in the areas showing evidence of Iron Age huts has however been on hold - the trenches are full of water. There appears to be a tail-off in archaeological evidence moving further away from the Iron Age settlement, but a few new prehistoric features are being uncovered that had not shown up in the geophysical survey. No evidence has so far been found of the prehistoric boundary running through the site, but this would have to be explored further should planning permission eventually be granted.

Consultants AMEC have just uploaded another round of groundwater measurements from the 11 boreholes around the site, and now have a full 12 months of data from all of the boreholes. AMEC will continue to monitor groundwater levels, and will be producing a report for AI in the new year. They have also sampled water from three boreholes and three springs to test water quality, and continue to take regular stream flow measurements.