Wednesday, 30 October 2024

US campaign group demands concrete change in the construction industry

Concrete Change is "a dedicated campaign demanding concrete change in the construction industry":
The landscape for cement procurement and development is facing tectonic shifts, with unprecedented public funding and demand for cleaner construction materials across the world. This rapid shift toward low-carbon materials will drive the next 40 years of cement production. Companies who fail to scale up low-carbon cement alternatives risk losing market share, creating a risk for investors, our health, and our climate. 
Their sights are set on Holcim – the parent company of Aggregate Industries:

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Lower Hare Farm, Whitestone: Judicial Review – Pre-commencement Conditions

Before any soil can be removed at Straitgate Farm by Aggregate Industries in relation to its permission to quarry the site, a number of pre-commencement conditions must first be discharged by the company and approved by Devon County Council.

Anyone interested in that process might want to note Item 7 of Devon County Council's Development Management Committee agenda for Wednesday, 23rd October, 2024, concerning a short report produced by the Council relating to the approval of two controversial planning applications (DCC/4101/2018, DCC/4293/2022) for a waste disposal site at Lower Hare Farm, Whitestone, EX4 2HW, and the judicial reviews that followed, filed by Whitestone Parish Council in connection with the discharge of pre-commencement conditions. 

In the Whitestone Parish Council minutes, (more details here, here, and here), it was claimed: 
The DCC seem to have entered wholeheartedly into the spirit of the NPPF and determined that “7 phases” has the same meaning as “3 phases”, that working from West to East is exactly the same as working from North to South, that “inert soils” are exactly the same as “engineering fill” also known as quarrying, mining, demolition and construction waste, that a gradient of “1 in 5” is exactly the same as a gradient of “1 in 10”, etc, etc. 
The Parish Council submitted a judicial review claiming the decision to discharge certain pre-commencement conditions was unlawful on a number of grounds, including: 
the decision to grant approval to carry out further development not authorised in the original permission by way of discharge of condition was ultra vires; 
the Council erred in law by asking whether submitted details were ‘acceptable’ rather than considering whether the submitted details met the requirements of the conditions;
Devon County Council conceded on both of those grounds, and says in the report: 
4.4 In the light of this claim for judicial review, the following steps have been implemented within the Council’s Planning team: 
 • training has been provided to the County Council’s planning officers on procedural requirements for the discharging of planning conditions; and 
 • the relevant officer’s report template has been amended to require clearer consideration of the requirements of the EIA Regulations and the need to consider whether the submitted details meet the requirements of the condition.
The full report can be found below:

EDIT 29.1.25 Permit 'likely' for new countryside landfill site

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Aggregate Industries’ Straitgate update for September

Aggregate Industries has this week provided the following update in relation to implementing its permission to quarry Straitgate Farm: 
There is nothing new to report this month but we continue to work on the preparation of the remaining schemes required by condition.