"...because, although these processes do not in themselves attract birds, the sites are commonly used for landfill or the creation of wetland" warns the Town & Country Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosives Storage Areas) Direction 2002.
And create a wetland is exactly what Aggregate Industries says it will do at Straitgate Farm:
The provision of water storage along the [eastern] boundaries of the site, to mitigate flooding and maintain groundwater flow, also offers the opportunity to create a priority wetland habitat and therefore enhance the ecology of the area.
Should Exeter Airport or its passengers be at all concerned about a quarry directly under its landing path and the risk of bird strikes? Here are a few tweets which might give an answer:
Bird numbers double in 5 years and dragonflys increase at Woodbridge #quarry http://bit.ly/i4m3LI #restoration
— NatureAfterMinerals (@NatureAM) April 20, 2011
Avocet and marsh harrier - we are seeing species of birds in unexpected places. What did you see this summer? http://t.co/8kEO8cPw
— Aggregate Industries (@AggregateUK) July 12, 2012
Wetlands rise from old quarry (From York Press) http://t.co/PkbMIdlkuo Quite a variety of birds and animals spotted here.
— Rita Hunter (@ritamay1) February 25, 2013
Up to 20,000 starlings gave us a treat last night at @AggregateUK Warmwell #Quarry in #Dorset pic.twitter.com/Xi0comhh
— NatureAfterMinerals (@NatureAM) December 4, 2012