Aggregate Industries’ planning applications for Straitgate Farm [DCC/3774/2015] and Blackhill, Woodbury Common [DCC/3775/2015] have been validated and a 21 day public consultation will now begin.
Finally, people have a chance to respond to AI's proposals and to tell Devon County Council about the concerns they have: whether it’s the 5 years of HGVs and related safety and pollution impacts along the B3180, the risk to drinking water supplies and flooding, the loss of ancient hedgerows and risk to protected dormice, the visual impact, the risk to ancient woodland habitats, or the continued effects on the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths. We have written a summary of our concerns on the ISSUES page, and would encourage as many people as possible to respond with what matters to them.
Responses can be sent either by email to or to Devon County Council, Development Management, Room AB2, Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD. Respondents should give their name and address, and quote the planning application reference. These CPRE guidelines may be helpful.