And yet DCC wants to splash Mineral Consultation Areas widely across the county, 'safeguarding' all sorts of uneconomic, unrecoverable, unviable deposits, potentially blighting the homes of thousands of people. Most of those affected wouldn't find out - (DCC says "notifying every property within such areas would be disproportionate and not a justified use of our resources") - until they tried to sell their house, when the purchaser’s local search would reveal whether the property is within (not adjacent or nearby to) a MCA. A property encumbered with such a designation and with open land nearby is likely to ring alarm bells for most purchasers, or at least give reason to secure a sizeable discount.
In 1965, Straitgate Farm near Ottery St Mary in Devon was bought by ECC Quarries in the hope it would yield 20 million tonnes of sand & gravel. In 2001, Straitgate Action Group was formed to oppose the development and its potential harm to water supplies, ancient wetland habitats, protected species and much more. In 2023, Aggregate Industries – owned by Swiss giant Holcim – was finally granted permission to quarry just 1 million tonnes following a public inquiry. This blog records the story.