...and still no sign of Aggregate Industries' revised planning applications for Straitgate and Blackhill, the ones to replace those withdrawn 3 months ago, the ones due at the end of March "for essentially the same development".
Why the delay? Is it the Natural England response to the Blackhill/Houndaller application? Is it the safety audit and DCC Highways' comments on AI's new access proposals at Straitgate? Is it a reality-check after the Minerals Plan Examination Hearing? Is it that the project, as it stands, makes no sense at all for less than 900,000 tonnes?
Who knows? What we do know is that nothing is likely to come in front of the Development Management Committee before the autumn.
And what about that planning application to transport material from Houndaller (Hillhead) to Blackhill, the one Natural England objected to, the one AI said "We intend to provide a response to NE with a view to making June’s Planning Committee following reconsultation"?
Well, that application looks to have slipped again too.