If you read DCC's report on the modifications consultation along with AI’s submission you can tell just how far the Council has climbed into bed with LafargeHolcim, the world's largest cement conglomerate. There were more representations by far on the Straitgate modifications, MM32, MM33, MM57, MM58, than any other part of the Plan. Concerns were raised by the Environment Agency, by East Devon District Council, by Ottery St Mary Town Council, by councillors and by members of the public. And what did DCC have to say? "no further change is considered to be necessary". What a surprise.
And AI? They're happy with it all. Of course they are.
Remember those words from the Chairman of DCC's Development Management Committee?
I therefore encourage everyone to take part in this consultation and make further comment on the proposed modifications so we can make sure we strike the right balance and secure a plan fit for our future.
What a good job DCC has done in striking the right balance.
So, six years after launching "Devon’s Big Minerals Debate", DCC is still pushing Straitgate as a Preferred Area for sand and gravel quarrying without even knowing how the site will be accessed or where the material will be processed. What a farce.