Friday, 3 March 2017

AI’s applications to dig up Straitgate and haul it all the way to Uffculme go ‘live’

So, over 18 months on from its last set of applications, subsequently withdrawn over access problems, Aggregate Industries is having another go.

Planning applications for Straitgate Farm DCC/3944/2017 and for off-site processing at Hillhead, Uffculme DCC/3945/2017 have at last been validated, after further reports were required. There will now be a public consultation - until 30 March.

We urge as many people as possible to write in to DCC yet again, with any concerns about this madcap scheme. DCC has made it clear that any responses to the previous applications will NOT stand. New responses must unfortunately be made. We realise that people may have written to the Council many many times already, but please do so again.

We urge people to raise any concerns they have:

- whether it's the impact on safety from HGVs on the B3174 Barrack/Exeter Road - up to 200 a day on the main road into and out of Ottery St Mary, in campaigns over the next 10-12 years;

- whether it's the risk to drinking water supplies and flooding, the loss of kilometres of ancient hedgerows and risk to protected dormice, the visual impact on the AONB for 12 years or more, the risk to ancient woodland habitats;

- or whether it's just the utter stupidity and unsustainability of hauling 1.5 million tonnes of as-dug material some 23 miles to Uffculme to be processed - 2.5 million HGV miles in total, creating thousands of tonnes of CO2 and air pollution.

We have written a summary of our concerns on the ISSUES page, but we would encourage others to respond with matters that are important to them. 

Responses can be sent either by email to or to Devon County Council, Development Management, Room AB2, Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD. Respondents should give their name and address, and quote the planning application reference.