The Mineral Planning Association warns that proposed changes to the NPPF, announced by Theresa May on 5 March and now subject of a government consultation, do nothing to benefit their members. According to the MPA:
The changes now being proposed will considerably weaken policy supporting minerals. In contrast, the weight given to environmental designations has been strengthened, with no transparent evidence provided to justify the changes.
There was however "Good news for ancient woodland", says The Woodland Trust. Proposed changes to the NPPF means that:
development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons. 173(c)
The planning advice for veteran trees remains that:
Where development would involve the loss of individual aged or veteran trees that lie outside ancient woodland, it should be refused unless the need for, and benefits of, development in that location would clearly outweigh the loss;
The consultation draft text for the NPPF can be found here.