According to the ONS, February 2018 saw another substantial fall in UK construction output - the worst annual fall since 2013. Surveyors report that the housing market is no better, and issue the most downbeat outlook for five years.
It's not a pretty picture, and even less so knowing that UK charities recently reported that:
Modern-day slavery underpins Britain’s construction industry where tens of thousands of European migrants work in dangerous conditions without pay or a proper contract and suffer verbal abuse and beatings
The UK construction industry "is one of the sectors where modern slavery is most likely to be prevalent":
much of the construction industry is still in denial ... and has been lagging behind the food and apparel sectors (in addressing modern slavery)
It’s a problem that has not gone unnoticed by Aggregate Industries. AI’s Head of Sustainability commented:
A sustainable supply chain is critical to the success of our organisation as a whole. How can we be truly sustainable if the businesses that constitute our supply chain aren’t?