Wednesday 18 July 2018

AI’s application to quarry Straitgate Farm – determination date delayed for 5th time

This whole thing is becoming a farce.
It’s now three years since Aggregate Industries’ first planning application to quarry Straitgate Farm, and we’re still facing one empty extension after another with no end in sight ...
... it’s not clear what, if anything, AI has progressed since its previous extensions. At the end of last year, information was still outstanding on ecology, hydrogeology and highways. Six months on, work is still outstanding on ecology, hydrogeology and highways.
If AI hasn’t put things on hold, it’s clearly no longer in any hurry.
And plainly it’s not, because yet another extension to the determination date has been agreed between AI and DCC – this time to 31st December 2018; previous extensions can be found here, here, here and here. The farce continues.