Wednesday 13 May 2020

Unions urge LafargeHolcim: “No feast in a time of plague”

LafargeHolcim has been criticised for exorbitant payments to directors and shareholders "while their workers are struggling to survive." Kemal Özkan, assistant general secretary of IndustriALL said:
Permanent and contract workers at LafargeHolcim operations are facing extraordinary challenges during this Covid-19 pandemic. It is shocking to see that LafargeHolcim is paying exorbitant dividends, which are not even subject to taxes.
It is completely unacceptable that 37 LafargeHolcim workers lost their lives in 2019 alone. We strongly urge LafargeHolcim to stop this feast in a time of plague and invest more in social dialogue, protect the health and safety of all the employees and guarantee their incomes in difficult economic situation.