Sunday 21 February 2021

‘Government's relentless push for development is destroying rural England’

We need a national fightback if we are to stop the "orgy of eco-vandalism", warns this Guardian article
...the current level of destructive development is a nationwide problem requiring a nationwide response. Taken together, these developments are changing the character of the countryside towards urban sprawl. They are inflicting irreversible damage on wildlife. 
What’s enabling this destruction is the national planning system, which ought to protect local communities, but now disempowers them. Planning has been hijacked by two doctrines. One is that pouring concrete will get us out of recession, the other that there’s a general housing crisis rather than an affordability crisis. Local challenges to these views are steamrollered as merely nimbyism.
Everyone has been talking about discovering the wonder of nature during lockdown and there are constant reports of droves moving out of towns and cities for more pastoral locations... If you are one of the escapees from town, I’d check your new view isn’t earmarked for development.