Sunday 16 May 2021

We need to be preserving English oaks, not cutting them down

This oak tree is what Aggregate Industries’ consultants call T5

It is the smallest of the oak trees likely to be lost by a quarry at Straitgate Farm.

Aggregate Industries claims: "Three mature oak trees will be lost to the development, two of which grow within hedgerows and one located within a field". This ignores Trees F, G and H which are "likely [to] be damaged by the development and need to be felled." 

In all, six mature oaks are likely to be lost, as well as two substantial beech trees and other mature trees during site access works. Aggregate Industries’ consultants dismiss these trees as having “little impact on the amenity of the area”. 

What will replace them? In Aggregate Industries' alternative universe, the land of smoke and mirrors, the ripping out of 1.5km of ancient hedgerow up to 4m wide – habitat for protected dormice and bats – and the felling of 6 mature oak trees, replacing natural history hundreds of years old with saplings and tree tubes, will show a net biodiversity gain! It defies logic and common sense.