Monday 18 October 2021

South West aggregate trends

The latest Aggregate minerals survey for England and Wales, comparing sales of primary aggregates between 2014 and 2019, was published in August.

The South West was the second largest source of land-won primary aggregates (28.2 Mt, 21%). Sales of primary aggregate increased 13% in the region between 2014 and 2019 (25.4 to 28.8 Mt). 

However, whilst sales of crushed rock aggregate increased by 18% (21.4 Mt to 25.3 Mt), sales of land-won sand and gravel in the South West decreased by 12% (3.3 Mt to 2.9 Mt), the largest fall in England. Over the same period, sales of sand and gravel in England decreased by 4% (52.4 to 50.5 Mt).

Sales of sand and gravel in the South West have fallen 60% since 1973.