Sunday, 24 November 2024

‘Multinational companies such as Holcim believe they are above the law’

Holcim – the parent company of Aggregate Industries, and the ultimate beneficiary of any winnings at Straitgate Farm – is in the news again, for all the wrong reasons: Kenya: Nightmare at Bamburi Farm:

These serial reports of abuses on and around Bamburi Farm have prompted calls for redress by the KMA, the Kenyan Human Rights Commission, Berlin-based Transparency International, and the international Coalition for Human Rights in Development. 

These groups are preparing a formal complaint about the multinationals Holcim (Bamburi) and G4S (Allied Universal) and their collusion in these brutal attacks to the OECD in Paris. 

“Multinational companies such as Holcim believe they are above the law and they can commit violations without facing any repercussion,” says Faith Kivuti, Africa regional facilitator of the Community Resource Exchange. “But it’s time to hold them accountable. The OECD complaint against Holcim and G4S is an important step in this direction.”

In news elsewhere: