Friday, 18 November 2016

Glossy leaflets for AI's unsustainable plans land on Ottery doormats

There are a few colourful plans in the leaflet; here's one of them. But even after all these years, Aggregate Industries is still getting things wrong. Look closely at that footpath running along the south side of the Exeter Road - and then look at the Streetview below to see where it actually is, and how close it would actually be to AI's stream of 44-tonne HGVs.

What is planned?

There are some numbers in that paragraph, but as always the important ones are missing; the 2.5 million miles; the 4000 tonnes of CO2. Because Hillhead Quarry is over 23 miles away. Where else in Britain do HGVs travel almost 50 miles (round trip) to haul bog standard sand and gravel for processing? The papers are full of news about climate change at the moment, but it makes no difference to the amount of CO2 AI keeps pumping out.