Monday, 14 November 2016

Smell the hypocrisy

Many are flabbergasted at Aggregate Industries' latest plans to haul Straitgate material to Hillhead near Uffculme for processing; a proposal so polluting, so senseless, so unsustainable that it makes a mockery of any minerals planning in Devon.

Many are flabbergasted at some of the numbers:

Last time, AI's application was for a maximum of 200 HGV movements on any one day:

If AI gets permission to extract 1.2 million tonnes of saleable material at Straitgate, then with 20% waste that’s 1.5 million tonnes gross, as dug, that will need to be transported and processed. With an average truck load of 28.5 tonnes, that's 52,630 loads, 23.4 miles to Hillhead, 23.4 miles back; 52,630 loads x 46.8 miles = 2.46 million miles, a distance equivalent to a staggering 100 times around the earth.

What meaningless greenwash does AI peddle on CO2 emissions?

Whilst AI continues to act as though climate change doesn't apply to them, some companies are starting to grasp the urgency with which we have to change the ways we do things:

But then if you think AI is a company to see sense, a company to change its ways, you're forgetting what sort of company we're dealing with. See the post below Welcome to LafargeHolcim.